
Understanding the Blueprints:

Plant & Animal Genomics

Convert Contigs to Chromosomes with Hi-C

Construct high-quality reference genomes to advance agricultural research and conservation

The genome holds the molecular blueprints for life. Yet, only a tiny fraction of species have completely sequenced genomes, leaving millions undiscovered to underexplored.1 Advances in next-generation sequencing have sparked numerous large-scale sequencing projects, but many newly sequenced genomes remain fragmented and incomplete, lacking crucial information. Our Proximo™ Genome Scaffolding platform employs proximity ligation technology and scaffolding optimization to group and order sequencing data into very long contigs and high-quality, chromosome-scale scaffolds, enhancing assembly quality and driving the age of “platinum” genomes.2 Higher quality assemblies allow for improved annotation accuracy, thereby facilitating the functional and comparative genomics studies needed to answer important questions in medicine, agriculture and conservation.

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High-Quality Reference Genomes »

Enabling gold and platinum genomes

Functional & Comparative Genomics »

High-quality genomes yield high-quality insights

Technical Overview


The Proximo Genome Scaffolding Platform employs cost-effective proximity ligation data generated using in vivo Hi-C to orient and order contigs into chromosome-scale scaffolds and generate reference-quality genome assemblies for virtually any organism. Go beyond the sequence to phase haplotypes and detect structural variation; and help deliver on the promise of genomics across a wide range of many applications in agriculture and medicine.


Proximity ligation technology is used to trap short-, long-, and ultra-long-range intracellular DNA contacts (black arcs). Chimeric junctions originating from the same cell are recovered, converted into an Illumina® sequencing library, and subjected to paired-end sequencing. The signal increases as the genomic distance between any two loci across the genome decreases. The Proximo Platform extrapolates this information to scaffold and phase genome assemblies.

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  • “The level of genome completeness and contiguity yielded by this technology has transformed how we view genome projects and has enabled us to ask new biological questions.”

    Prof. Jeff Maughan

    Department of Plant & Wildlife Sciences, Brigham-Young University