
Understanding the Blueprints

Human Genomics

Advance Precision Health and Cancer Research

Discover a new dimension of human health with applications for oncology and cytogenomics, unlocking unprecedented genomic insights in a wide range of sample types.

Understanding the structure of our chromosomes is essential to understanding our health. Even though the human genome is the most studied genome of all life on earth, many questions remain unanswered by conventional sequencing and traditional cytogenomic methods.

Our OncoTerra® and CytoTerra® Platforms are enabled by Genomic Proximity Mapping (GPM)™, utilizing short-read sequencing data to map and measure the spatial relationship between any two loci across the full complement of chromosomes in a cell. Our advanced computational tools extract sequential information to construct ultra-long-range insights. This data is used to detect genetic variation and characterize all major types of chromosomal abnormalities, offering particular advantages for the study of cancer genomes. 

Unlock another dimension in oncology and cytogenomics with scalable, low-cost ultra-long-range genome sequencing to ask and answer new biological questions, and help deliver on the promise of genomics in research and medicine.

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Technical Overview


The OncoTerra and CytoTerra Platforms leverage high-resolution genomic technology to expand the potential of precision oncology and cytogenomics, taking advantage of the unique properties of ultra-long-range genome sequencing to unlock the wealth of diagnostic and prognostic information contained in FFPE samples, in a cost-effective and scalable NGS-based assay.

Proximity ligation is used to trap short-, long-, and ultra-long-range intracellular DNA contacts (black arcs) in DNA extracted from solid tumor or hematological samples. Chimeric junctions originating from the same cell are recovered, converted into a short-read sequencing library, and subjected to paired-end sequencing. The signal increases as the genomic distance between any two loci across the genome decreases. The platforms extrapolate this unique information with a high degree of confidence, enabling genome-wide detection of chromosomal abnormalities.


Oncology »

Access New Insights in Precision Oncology

Cytogenomics »

Reveal the topography of the genetic map