A Year in Review: 2021


A look back at the year 2021.

The 21st year of the 21st century (a golden year, perhaps?) has come to an end. Looking back on the year that was abundant in vaccinations, canceled vacations, and virtual conferences, we would like to highlight the achievements that were made despite continuing challenges that face our communities. Amongst a rapid growth in company size, Phase Genomics has celebrated some big wins in 2021. This year’s successes include the launch of three new products, reaching over 100 scientific papers published, and aiding numerous record-breaking discoveries in the genomics space. We want to thank our clients for their support, our incredible employees for their hard work, and the adaptability of leadership to continue the company’s growth during unpredictable times.


Here’s a quick look at our highlights from 2021:


New Products




In the News



Genome Startup Day


See You (Fingers Crossed) in 2022!

In 2022, we are hopeful that we will be able to return to conferences and see our friends, clients, and colleagues in person. We plan to expand our product line in the cytogenomics space, grow our team, and continue to serve all our clients with cutting-edge tools, including some upcoming surprises. Follow Phase Genomics and the latest developments in our ecosystem in real-time on Twitter and LinkedIn or by subscribing to our quarterly newsletter – PhaseBook.

We hope you had a safe, healthy, and relaxing Holiday Season and we look forward to seeing you in the New Year!


Phase Genomics staff aboard a pirate ship

Image from August 2021 work event with the Phase Genomics team aboard Queen Anne’s Revenge.