Product Brochures

  • OncoTerra Platform Brochure

    Click here to learn more about the OncoTerra™ Oncology Platform:
    features and benefits, applications, automated analytics, actionable results.

  • CytoTerra Platform Brochure

    Click here to learn more about the CytoTerra™ Cytogenomics Platform:
    features and benefits, applications, automated analytics, actionable results.

  • ProxiMeta Platform Brochure

    Click here to learn more about the ProxiMeta™ Metagenome Deconvolution Platform:
    features and benefits, technology, applications, workflow, kits and cloud-based analysis.

  • Proximo Platform Brochure

    Click here to learn more about the Proximo™ Genome Scaffolding Platform:
    features and benefits, technology, applications, workflow, kits and analysis service.

Application Notes & Cases Studies

  • OncoTerra Applications Summary

    Surpass the breadth and depth of karyotyping, FISH, and CMA with a single, NGS-based assay. The OncoTerra™ Platform enables high-resolution cytogenomic analysis of solid tumors—samples that are unsuitable for traditional cytogenetics.

  • OncoTerra Case Study: Acute Myeloid Leukemia

    The OncoTerra™ Platform uses proximity ligation technology to determine the structure of chromosomes from fresh-frozen or archival FFPE samples. In this case study, novel AML variants (undetected with traditional cytogenetics) impacted the risk stratification of 25% of samples.


  • ProxiMeta Overview

    The ProxiMeta™ Platform combines proximity ligation technology, short-read sequencing, and computational tools to generate genome-resolved metagenomes and host-linked mobile elements.


  • ProxiMeta Applications Guide

    Unlike conventional metagenomics approaches, the ProxiMeta™ Platform enables genome-resolved metagenomics, accurate host attribution of mobile genetic elements, and metabolic analysis and functional characterization—directly from complex communities, without culturing.

  • ProxiMeta Application Note: Viral genome reconstruction and host attribution in metagenomic samples

    The ProxiMeta™ Platform employs proximity ligation technology to significantly improve de novo binning and host attribution of bacterial and viral genomes recovered from complex metagenomic samples.

  • ProxiMeta Application Note: Metabolic pathway discovery in metagenomic samples

    The ProxiMeta™ Platform unlocks the functional potential of metagenomic samples by enabling significantly improved annotation. This is accomplished through improvements in metagenome deconvolution, enabled by proximity ligation technology.

  • Proximo Application Note: Gold and platinum quality eukaryotic genomes

    The Proximo™ Platform utilizes the ultra-long-range information provided by proximity ligation (Hi-C) to produce high-quality, highly contiguous genomes with full chromosomes and haplotype resolution.


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