Cell Therapies

Cell Therapies

Verify genomic integrity with next-level detection using Genomic Proximity MappingTM (GPM)

Products used in human cell therapy require meticulous quality control to detect low-allele frequency structural variants (SVs) that may impact genomic integrity and the safety of cell therapy products.  The CytoTerra® Cytogenetics Platform leverages the unique strengths of Genomic Proximity Mapping (GPM) technology to enable high-resolution, genome-wide assessment of all major types of structural variants.

De-risk induced pluripotent stel cell (iPSC) banks and other sources for allogeneic therapies with simple, NGS-based quality control of donor cells, seed banks, and post genome editing to ensure high-quality cell therapy products.


Simultaneously detect all major types of structural variants and CNVs that could affect normal function our cause malignancies, on a genome-wide scale.
Ensure the genomic integrity of iPSCs and other cell types.
Reduce turnaround time and cost by characterizing the breadth of SVs and CNVs in a single, scalable NGS-based assay.




Get the complete picture with NGS and GPM


Automated analytics yield actionable results

The CytoTerra® Platform provides a sample-to-report NGS-based cytogenetics assay that starts with a small number of cells from your cell therapy development process, and ends with a comprehensive and actionable report in standard and sequence-based nomenclature. Fully automated, cloud-based analysis of paired-end, short-read sequencing data is performed with Phase Genomics’ proprietary computational tools. The entire process can be completed in less than a week, and is scalable to large numbers of samples.


Variant Detection
Cell Bioprocessing Monitor
Genomic Instability
Overcome the challenges of traditional cytogenetics. The CytoTerra Platform provides high-resolution, genome-wide assessment of all major types of structural variants and CNVs that may impact genomic integrity or cause genetic disease. Obtain rapid results using scalable quality control technology. With GPM, ensure the quality of iPSCs, allogeneic and autologous cells, and other cell types. The CytoTerra Platform can make cell therapies safer with a kit or service that easily integrates into your QC workflow. Keep track of changes that occur during cell division. The CytoTerra Platform combines the detection capabilities of FISH, CMA, and karyotyping into a single, simple assay for monitoring genomic integrity.
Learn more about Next-generation Cytogenetics and GPM >>     Get in touch to discuss your QC workflow and needs >>     Learn more about the CytoTerra Platform >>