Functional & Comparative Genomics

Functional & Comparative Genomics

High-quality genomes yield high-quality insights

Sequencing and subsequent annotation enables researchers to demarcate genes and regulatory sequences, map genetic variation, define genome structure, refine gene models and study gene function — in other words, to really understand the blueprints of the organisms that share our world. But insights can only be as good as the information from which it is derived.

Our Proximo Platform enables the improvement of draft assemblies, or generation of the high-quality, chromosome-scale eukaryotic reference genomes needed to support high-quality comparative and functional genomics studies. Insights from these studies advance molecular and marker-assisted breeding programs, improve disease resistance and food security, and breakthroughs in drug discovery and synthetic biology. In addition, they enable us to understand plant and animal evolution and adaptation, define biodiversity and formulate appropriate conservation strategies.

Learn how the Proximo Platform was used to generate high-quality genomes, to support improved breeding of:

Find out how the Proximo Platform enabled the study of:

Learn how high-quality reference genomes have enabled our understanding of the evolution, adaptation and/or speciation of:

Proximo Hi-C kits »

2-pack kits (optimized for human, animal, plant or microbe samples)

Proximo Analysis Service »

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Ultra-long-range Genome Sequencing »

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